Unknown places are more challenging for a trekker we had heard of this place called Siddaragundi falls which is situated in the Mookambika range apart from this we had absolutely no clue as to where it exactly comes and how to go about reaching it, but this did not deter our spirits,after a roller coaster ride in the jeep we reached the village
-from here we had to take the help of a local guide since every thing was new to us,we were five of us altogether and three were between ages of 50-65 we asked a local guide to accompany us, and one look at our group he had already judged that we just cant move our bodies leave trekking, but who could guess our team consisted of seasoned trekkers and age was never a criteria, finally after convincing him that looks don't matter he agreed to come with us,he altered our plans telling he would take us to more interesting places in the surroundings,this brightened us and we started moving with vigor.

First he took us to SiddaraGundi water falls it was a small trek into the forest a thirty minute walk brought us to a beautiful water fall,it was like a scene taken right from the fairy tales where one could imagine all angels bathing in that clear pool of water with water flowing in a magical way on the rocks we were so engrossed in it's beauty we didn't want to leave the place but the guide told us there is another water fall short distance from where we were where many small water falls join to make a splendid falls called Tirthabare falls.

we were spell bound seeing the fall nature had just cast her magical spell on us,every place in nature makes us wonder how can it be so beautiful and praise the creator,

Our guide seeing our enthusiasm and joy told us he would take us to another place more beautiful called BeteBare (may be he was still not convinced till then if we could really make it finally he must have decided we could and took the interest to show us another place)


After another hour's walk the forest became more dense and suddenly there was a clearing and open place with just a rock jutting out and a dead end the jutting rock and a small clearing there we were looking into paradise we could see Kodachadri in all its splendor we could'n stand as wind was very strong and the rock was congested but being crazy it did stand and felt was one with nature with endless valley of green thick forest.

While returning we took another different route and within half an hour we were back on the jeep track,all we could think was valleys water falls and forest none of us could speak for nature had cast us a spell.

One more unknown waterfall
Falls and the mountains look cool!! Beautiful snaps, i must say.
very nice effort yaa...., one has to really learn the spirit from you, .....
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