North Karnataka trip was one of the most memorable trips I ever had.Here we can see the rich culture and beauty of the time during the reign of the Chalukyas.
The Durga Temple

The Durga Temple is the first one we see, as soon as we enter the temple complex. Built in a horse-shoe shape, the temple is so called not for the deity, but for the fort around it. The temple dates back to the late 7th century. Aihole is historically famous as the cradle of Hindu temple architecture. Aihole was the first capital of the Chalukya kings .There are about 125 temples divided into 22 groups scattered all over the villages and nearby fields.

The name Aihole came from the
words Ayya hole, or city of
scholars (in Sanskrit, Arya Pura). Another explanation comes from a legend, and
is much more interesting. This relates to the sage Parasurama, the warrior
sage, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Parasurama was the son of the sage
Jamadagni, who was killed by the king Kartyaveera Arjuna. Consumed by anger,
Parasurama set out to kill the king, but the act alone did not appease his
anger. Believing the entire Kshatriya (royal) race and its behavior the reason
for his father’s demise, he went on a rampage, killing kings all over the
world. At last, his blood lust sated, he calmed down and came to the river
Malaprabha, which flows through this area. Seeing the amount of blood on his
axe (his weapon of choice), he cleaned it in the waters of the river, which at
once turned red, filled with the blood of kings. A local woman came then to
fill her water pot, and seeing the color of the river, shouted, Ayyo, Hole”(!
Blood!), and thus the place came to be known as Aihole.

The golden period of Aihole was between the 6th and the 8th centuries, when, under the reign of the Chalukyas of Badami, it saw a boom in temple architecture. Aihole is considered to be the cradle of Chalukya architecture. From what we learned from ASI records, the skill of the Chalukyas was evolved in Aihole, developed in Badami, and reached its pinnacle in Pattadakkal. As our guide put it, Aihole must have been the primary school of the Chalukya architects, Badami their secondary school, and Pattadakkal their college! Hucchimalli Temple,Ravanphadi Cave,Meguti Temple,Gowda Temple,Surayanarayana Temple,Konti Group of Temples thease are all some of the famous temples.
The only
dated monument in Aihole, the Meguti
Temple was built atop a
small hill in 634 AD. Now partly in ruins, possibly never completed, this
temple provides an important evidence of the early development of the Dravidian
style of Architecture. The inscription dating the monument is found on one of
the outer walls of the temple and records its construction by Ravikeerti, who
was a commander & minister of Pulakesin II. Apparently a Jain Temple
as seen from the seated Jain figure here, the superstructure rising above the
sanctum wall of the temple is not original & the 16-columns porch and hall
extension are later additions.

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