Three Days State Level Trekking Program in Charmadi range...
It’s a fantastic trekking camp in my life as it is totally a memorable one. This camp gives me lots of experience, friends. As it is a state-level camp, the organizers of this camp arranged so many volunteers for the success.
On 31/10/08 we visited Kumbakallu & Minchukallu which is very beautiful place. The trekking lovers won’t miss this place really if they really feels.
On our 2nd day in this state level camp we visited the famous jenukallu, kodekallu & Balegudda. "All this 3 places makes u to feel different and gives a cool feeling & makes u happy" is the only openion from all the trekkers of this camp, which i felt in my last visit also.
As I met with new friends who are unmemorable for me, is also made me feel good. All the famous persons, doctors, different types of people met together here....
In this camps last day we visited Yerikallu also very good place. We didn’t feel dull even after 2 consecutive day’s walking. “Though there is no rest trekking is best” is my view about this trekking.
On our way to ERIKALLU our Lilllie girl in this camp saw a beautiful tortoise welcoming us to this beautiful place. Its amazing one we saw ever on this peak.