Early morning I and Ashok joined Rajesh Naik had a quick breakfast and started with Rajesh sir’s leader ship to visit ancient Keshava temple. But the journey was not so nice because of the damaged unpleasant road. Although we reached a village and inquired about the temple with one group of villagers and all the villagers saw our face with a big surprise. Because nobody had come to visit this place even the villagers didn’t bother about the ruined temple.
This was built during the time of Hoyasala King Veeranarasimha-II and it is situated in the heart of the village. The carved doorway, the turned pillars and pierced window screens used in this temple was like other Hoysala temples.

The sculpture within the shrine has been pointed out to be of the Hoysala style known to be unique style of Vesara architecture, where as the walls and the basements of this shrine are not much decorated but fusion of styles is associated highly architected of Hoysala craftsmanship. The outer of the sanctorum (Garbhagriha) shaped as Kadamba shikara (tower) with Kalasa (pinnacle) on top.

Local villagers also were not much interested about renovation of their village temple. Everywhere new temples are coming up but no one is interested about such a historical rare stone temples. Interestingly Archeological Department has not taken possession of this old beautiful temple. It has to take initiative steps to prevent further loss and renovate this huge temple by arduous task of destroying and eliminating the huge bushes from the Temple premises, without causing much damage to the Temple Structure.

On the way to Anugavalli Shiva temple we had seen some beautiful big lakes in gigantic size. That village is famous for KodandaRama Temple but we had decided to go to the Shiva temple. It was a union of 2 small temples which was not much attractive. But scientific inspection is needed in these areas. We could see lots of existing pieces in these surrounding areas.

First line of your article goes like this...
"Early morning I and Ashok joined Rakesh Naik had a quick breakfast and..."
Who the hell is Rakesh Naik?
By the way I was expecting 'Stairway to heaven.....Part-2'.
Mistakes hota he sir....I rectified my mistake...Tnks for informing):
Plz wait...It will come...
Rakesh i believe this temple must be located in Arsikere, correct me if i am wrong....a small note on the location will be useful, these are rare pieces.
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