Wednesday, November 3, 2010


National parks had always held my interest it's so much fun being there, we feel privileged to know we are at such a place where the flora, fauna ,birds and animals are really protected and cared for existence Narasimha Parvata (1152 m) is one place where you can just relax in nature and feel contended.
We planned a weekend trip to NP and all got together at one point & as usual Kamath sir brought his car & we had a comfortable journey in the cool morning without any hassles.
We reached Kigga village which is famous for Rishya Shringeshwara temple, our team mate Chandru was from this place so we had no worry as to find a guide since he knew the place already and was experienced. We bought few things to eat on the way and & started to walk to reach our destiny. After 1 hour of nonstop climb we reached Avalakki Rock which is a big rock with a beautiful open view on the other side, we rested for a while & continued our walk in the jungle.
Along the way the vegetation changes as we ascend & thick flora changes as grassland factor of few hours walk. After one precipitous hike we reached leveled very wide grassland there we saw 2 beautiful natural ponds called Rama-Laksmhan kunda & we could also see some inhabitance of ancient world. Rumors of many astounding miracles is said to have happened here. Local folks had made some pilgrimage activities before.
After sudden heavy rain we once again started our journey, the grass become more slippery & we were not able to judge loose stones because of long thick grasses. Finally we reached one side of the peak where we saw a statue of Hindu God at the bottom of one big rock. We climbed that rock & we had a stunning view of the imposing Kudremukh ranges and we were able to see beautiful Valikunja peak form this point.

Another side of the summit The Shola forests are found on mountain peaks. Grasslands cover the peaks while the slopes are covered with thick forests & some places interspersed with lush grasslands and dark green Shola forests all set in the prettiest of tropical jungle landscape. Twirls of nonstop breeze on top peppered the undulating landscape.
On our return we climbed down from another side of the hilltop across the big valley situated between Narasimha Parvata and Mallandoor. Watching green paddy fields of the Mallandoor village was superb on our return path.
Of now these ranges has been in threatening for naxalites presence. Maybe because of this only people won’t disturb this gorgeous place much? Whatever issues it won’t stop our spirit to climb once again this ranges, it has such a stimulating power with it.......

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