Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gateway to paradise-KarkiBetta

Fortunately everything worked out albeit last minute and we were able to enjoy a rejuvenating day by the pristine waterfalls, forests, mountains and grasslands of KarkiGudda. We took our usual route with usual team. First saw a beauty of Tirthkere waterfalls & later few kilo meters drive in terrible mud road we turned to walk instead of taking any risk to our vehicle.
We reached my friend Ashok house after a few minutes of walk. Whole house welcome us heartily & we all filled our stomach with very delicious foods & next started to walk inside his estate. First we visit a beautiful small waterfall Kerkolalu near to Ashok house which situated between thick coffee estates.
First few hours path was surrounded by a beautiful chilliness Coffee estates & a very large swathe of dense Shola forests still these estates retain large tracts of Shola, grasslands and naturalized forests between the Coffee plantations. After nonstop walk we entered open vast grassland which bottom of the greenish mountain.
First we hike initial small peak and then able to see a real hygienic beauty of this beautiful mountain. It’s a heaven to seeing a whole beauty from this step. From the top of the First step we are not even willing to believe we could climb it because from there it seems very step &sharp. But doing adventure is a great part of our journey so everyone happily energetically facture of times reached the top.
This time it was not at all warmth in the whole journey, it was a Salubrious weather in our whole journey. Even the mid day was bitterly cold. We started to shiver heavily in the peak at midday only. But still we manage to spend almost an hour of time on the peak.
Watching the groups of Mountains from the top was undoubtedly scenic being a large expanse of gentle grass mountains with Shola forest so after enjoying the scene briefly; we decided to return to back because of lack of time.

On return we chosen another side of the mountain n while walking through the meadows by the grasslands, we soon came across a feral lone large wild Sambar strolling just little distance from us. how shy these enormous beasts are. One look at us and them soon turned tail and scooted off into the forest. It ought to have been the other way around!
It is amazing how many new places are waiting to be discovered on every visit. New mountain tops, new meadows, new Sholas, new views, new waterfalls and plenty of new wildflowers and birds.
The Karki landscape never ceases to amaze with its stark beauty, vast expanses of true grasslands, swathes of Shola in the gentle valleys with gushing streams, and the ethereally beautiful crystal waterfalls.


  1. that was a nice trek... enjoyed it. Sighting of the sambar and the chill on the peak are the highlights of this trek. Well written.

  2. Nice description of the trek. And good photos!!

  3. The word Tranquil Paradise mixed with spellbinding scenary takes a whole new meaning coupled with equally astounding photographs.

    As usual Rakesh every trek of urs is a gateway to a new window of hidden beauty.


  4. sir,

    very good trecking experience. good information and very good photos.
