Friday, April 13, 2012

Thimmankudru - Paduthonse (Kemmannu).

Thimmankudr is located just two kilometers away from my quaint small home and I used to go this place whenever I get bored. There are innumerous attractions surrounding my village on the sea line including some islands, estuaries and secluded serene and clean beaches, and greenery everywhere, In the tub of Suvarna River, a group of about a dozen islands in Tonse region covered with lush green decorated by creeks, coconut palms surrounded by clear blue waters adds to the natural beauty to my village it was a reflection of beautiful mother Nature.
There are several islands like Moodu Kudru, Srinivasa Kudru, Nadukudru, Balegere Kudru, Kiniyere Kudru. During the monsoon time Swarna flows with brim the region gets inundated when the water is released from nearest dam.
An impressive looking hanging bridge, which attracts curious visitors from far and wide connects one of the better-known islands, which connects Padukudru to Thimmannakudru to the mainland. The hanging bridge is about 280 feet long and was built in January 1991 during the annual training of NCC cadets. As I walked through the bridge I was amazed about the efforts that have been put up by the NCC Cadets in constructing this marvelous bridge. There are 26 families residing in Thimmannakudru and all the families had provided help in the construction of the bridge.
This is the only bridge which connects families residing in Thimmanna Kudru. If the bridge is not repaired, then they will once again have to depend on traditional boats and coracles for transportation. In the beginning, wooden planks were used on the bridge to cross the river. However, owing to the salt water, the planks were getting weak and destroyed. In fact, one person was killed when he accidentally slipped from one of these planks some years ago. Later cement planks were installed by Panchayat dept.
Bengre is an estuary about 2.5km from Thimmanna Kudru wherein you could see the sea on one side of the road and the river on the other, Bengre beach towards south also collects accolades of being a fine beaches at Hoode and Tottam.
Entrance of the Bengre a small fishing port at the mouth of the Suvarna River as it merges a little further with the Arabian Sea. The fishing port presented a deserted look. During fishing season, the fishermen would usually auction their catch from around 2.30 pm. We could see practically all fishing vessels anchored in a line.
Just few meters walk from the port side its laid to the beautiful estuary It’s a long stretch of palm fringed white sand the coconut plantation just in front of ocean and it's not uncommon to find just a handful of people on the entire half-mile stretch of sand.
A long stretch of powdery, white sand backed by a thick band of coconut trees, and an azure seascape extending to the horizon. There's not a soul in sight no high rise hotels, no ship piers, no vendors peddling, not much mobs of tourists where you can escape the crowds and enjoy that ever-elusive treasure, these are perfect beaches.
Certainly each time when I spent these beaches at evening went beyond my imaginations of Sun dipping down to the ocean. The twilight affect on the ocean was simply charismatic and left a bold impression in my memories.


  1. Nice blog....! Rakesh keep it up.. Photography is also so nice:)

  2. Nice place!! You are a lucky man to stay near to a beautiful place.

  3. Amazing photos dear... Let me know when you visit these places, we do join man..

  4. Lovely pics!!! The second last pic of the sunset is just amazing. Good play of colors.

  5. Gorgeous place and lovely shots. Looks quite similar to the back waters of kerala.

  6. They are gorgeous..and even knowing that your home is in this little hamlet makes me feel so jealous. I would love to live in such an unspoilt atmosphere surrounded abundantly by trees and water! The hanging bridge is a great effort and looks beautiful. The pictures of water, boats and their reflections on water is amazingly taken.Probably because Suvarna beach are glowing like gold, they named it Suvarna means gold! The pictures of sunset is words to express!

  7. Hi RK which camera u r using nw ?

  8. Once in a while we all dream of visiting shang-ri-la, but rakesh ur visit is worth one such journey. Not only have u captured the tranquility in your photos but reminded me once again that nature is best medicine to lose oneself in bliss of simplicity.

    Great work mate!!
