Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sirimane Waterfalls -Kigga

One exceptionally beautiful waterfall hidden in the mountains near the village of Kigga and it would attracts us, so one fine day myself and two of my friends were planned to visit this wonderful place. We got up early in the morning and reached to Kigga by bus and began our walk in a fine village road next to the Kigga temple. It needed a long walk to reach the waterfalls at the same time financial issue so we preferred to walk instead of hiring private vehicles.
Walking in the shade of the forest was much cooler, must the humidity was energy sapping.  After weaving in and out of forest we reached the waterfalls nearing the mid- afternoon with tiring legs.
Water levels were up from recent rains giving us quite a show it was a small waterfall, hidden in some trees. There was little time to not concentrate fully on what were ahead, rocks, thronging bushes and low lying bamboo.
The waterfalls quite popular with the local population and people often go there for a picnic in the weekend. There are several trails you can follow, with short walk allowing you to reach picturesque places.

We had a refreshing bath with sort of adventures and filled some food to our empty stomach, the rocks were burning and clothes soon dried on them. We rested in the coolness for a while, before we set off to the again. Almost immediately after visiting the falls, we left the falls and began a one more trek nearby this and we soon arrived at the Kigga bus stop at late evening, completing a nice traverse of this beautiful property those of us who enjoyed this wonderful treasure to have for it.


  1. Beautiful falls.

  2. I think very old trip more than 5 years back...

  3. great travels, keep it up, we need more of these
