Friday, December 9, 2011

The Twin temples - Mosale

Mosala or Mosale Hosahalli, a small hamlet lies amidst the fascinating natural scenery of Hassan taluk, holds two unique temples noted for its rich architectural value. Constructed on the lines of Hoysala architecture, Trikootachala temples dedicated to Nageshwara and Chenna Kesava respectively stand side-by-side, a few feet apart, is identical in design and workmanship.
Old stories say that in ancient days sage Jamadagni had a hermitage in this place and the village was earlier called as Musala, which means a pestle. The two temples are good examples of Hoysala Art. The antiquities of these temples are not yet known. However, from their architectural character and style, they may belong to 13th century AD.
The temples made of soapstone consist of a sanctum, a sukanasi, a navaranga and a porch (mukhamantapa) with a jagathi on either side. The sanctum of Chenna Kesava temple holds six-feted Chenna Kesava idol beautifully sculpted. The prabhavali placed behind Chenna Kesava has the images of Matsya, Koorma, and Varaha etc representing incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

Sridevi and Bhudevi placed on either side of Chenna Kesava are attractive. The doorway of sanctum has a Gajalakshmi. Rangamantapa has a lotus-shaped, artistically designed ceiling carved with the figures of Indra, Agni, Varuna, and Vaayu - the Astadikpalakas sitting on their vehicle.
The Nageshwara temple has a sanctum, a sukanasi, navaranga and a mantapa. One can see a beautifully sculpted Nandi idol here. The Nageshwara and Chenna Kesava temples have an elaborately carved with intricate geometrical patters and marvel designed ceilings.
As we move around the temple, the images of gods and goddesses are seen on the walls of the temple. The exquisitely carved figures of Saraswathi, Ugra-Narasimha, Kalingamardhana, Madanika, Apsara and Giridhara are neatly arranged on the outer walls of the temple attract the attention of tourists. Each temple has an elegant tower in front, which is carved a fine figure of sala with the tiger. The creeper torana, windows, panels and pillars are very attractive.

Two inscriptions are placed in the temple premises. One of these belongs to the Vijayanagara period (Dana Shasana). The second inscription has been totally damaged but has Jainism features. These inscriptions are not related to the temple. The temple complex is listed with the department of central archeology.
These two temples are in the same complex and designed by following the laws of Vastu. These temples are famous for their sculptural beauty. This complex does not have a gopura or a royal gateway. The pathways leading to the Stone door-frame of the Garbhagruha of the Nageshwara temple has been violated and needs repair.


  1. Beautiful!! Typical of Hoysala architecture..

  2. Wow! Great Sculptures. Nice to see that they are not damaged. Great photos.

  3. Beautiful architecture.

  4. Good Art our great culture we proud about this,good photo collection thanks.
