Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Journey into Amazing Caves... Part-2

Ballalana cave was a natural bunch of extraordinary rock formalized caves group connecting with myth and historical background. Some legend says that Hoysala king Ballala built few steps in front the cave entrance and ruled this surrounding places and one fine day got disappeared in cave, evidence of this still we can see the exterminated forts and ruined construction in various parts of the Shola-Grasslands. The dread of the supernatural which preserved this cave from outer disturbance even local villagers also frighten to wander around this place so still this place is enrich and hygienic.
I scared to enter this atrocious cave also I heard past experience from our guide he told nobody knows the profound of the cave even few years back he tried to explore this cave with some guys with adequate equipments but he frightened to climb down further downward levels. Lack of time& information we forgot to bring Torch, rope and enough foods, I dint expected to face such a strange cave without any preparation. So I dint show much interest on look into the cave.
My friend Ashok already had climb down the first level without any help from the 3rd cave entrance. It boosted me to do cave expedition so I too find the way from 2nd cave to reach him and I joined him at 1st base after a very risky hard attempt.
With some difficulty for it was very dark and the whole place seemed so strange to us on dark we dint find any way to further level except the dipping water such a silence it was. I felt strange ambiance on that. . Rest of my teammates tried to join us but they couldn’t succeed they returned back..
We find an abrupt narrow approach from our left side but in dark we couldn’t see how deep it was. We throw some stones on deep and heard the reverberation back on few seconds. After wavering discussion once again Ashok got ready to go further downer level with helping of Camera flash and my job had to wait his reply so I stand on the cliff edge on 1st base.
Slowly he went down and after few minutes later he reached the 2nd base but I was not confident even my shoes was not suitable for slick wet rocks. So I gave him moral support and looking his safe arrival.
Waiting and wishing for his safe return on a strange place was very frustrated task ever. After a great adventure he returned back and encouraged me to go down with him. As the true nature of the caves gradually revealed itself strange vigor in myself so I also followed him step by step hand by hand support. One more very deadly attempt I reached the 2nd base which almost 100feet deep from the top. I got wonder the beauty and the shape of the cave.
There was a long passages which connected to another part of the cave. The cave themselves ramify in the same irregular fashion and are to be viewed merely as the capillaries through which rain fall passes to join the main channels. Certain rocks composed of gypsum also certain caverns of the same sort as those in the lime-stones. It was the home for bats hanging on the caves wall all over.
After a few minutes walk in narrow passages journey end-up with one more deep narrow-mouthed way and we we decided to back. This cave is impossible to navigate without any light or rope and its not travel able for next level so we head for the exit took another rout which connected to 3rd cave and did life long memorable rock climbing with my broken shoes and returned back into the wonderful sunlight!. I like to Thanks Ashok and God at the same time which made this cave expedition successful.
Kallugundi waterfalls-Long Shot
Alekan Waterfalls
On return the rugged terrains would endurance for each step of the way and it’s always blanketed in lush greenery. The variation in landscape allows the scope for both an arduous as well as a leisurely trek. All of it, all of the jagged rock, the incredible cliff bands, the outrageous climbs and drops,Undiscovered natural caves all of that it was an exotic getaway, nestled in the midst of Shola forests in Western Ghats.


  1. Nice captures and an exciting adventure.


  2. Good narration.. superb Trip to remember.

  3. both part 1 n 2 are excellent.photos are very attractive.i must visit this place soon.tnks for your info and wonderful narration

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