Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Light of the Hills- Part(1)

Once again after a short plan we decided to go to Hanate Betta on Saturday evening & we 6 got together started our journey at10pm,we were able to find a school  near our starting point which was situated in a small isolated village with  help of our teammate Ashok who is a local  of that place. Few years back this village was famous for some Nexal shoot-out incident, still that place was highly red alerted. So we didn’t dare to step into the risky village at Mid-Night.
Everybody slept very late in the night but I just couldn’t get a wink of sleep. Early in the morning due to lack of sleep I just couldn't get to move my body it just refused to budge even for morning activities. After a small drive we reached our target village; we spent so much time to find a suitable local person to guide us but no one was ready to come with us due to it being very risky, once again our teammate Ashok used his influence and finally we were able to get one person to guide us.
Though we approached the village early because of lot of issues we started around 9 in the morning.  I was in no mood to hike; I felt my body was so dull & heavy. I also tired in the beginning searching a guide with Ashok even then I was not enough to improve my hopeless condition. We followed a trail which continues through the village and goes steadily uphill. Initial few stretches was very tough almost impossible dragging my already tired body taking lot of rest throughout the journey I was able to reach the top of the Hanate Betta after 1 hour of tough climb
Hanate Betta name came for this hill because top of the hills seems like a small circle its looks like a Clay oil lamp this in Kannada we call Hanate. It was the best sight from the top of that hill; here we could gaze till the end of the horizon of the earth all around us it was such a great sight to see.
Bastikallu &KaradiHaneBetta
Beautyiful KaradiHaneBetta
On the top we had a Spectacular uncountable group of hills scenery along with charming villages and panoramic view of the deep valleys in bottom side. We spent some time on top & after a small photo session we descended steeply through a rough rocky terrain to Bastikallu. Had enough water near the forest and then the trail seemed easy as we reached the bottom of KaradiHaneBetta.
Then the trail continues to ascend more gently, through fine grasslands towards the Upper Hill, an hour’s walk brings us a vast upper meadow Area surrounded by ridges on two sides, it is open on the another side to sultry currents of air.
Hanate Betta
A vertical division of grassland belts has been formed ranging through frigid meadows, shrub lands meadows & meadow steppe where the land is vast, and low hills are interspersed with valleys. We had food at the top of the Hill & after taking enough rest stepped to our next destiny.
To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. good narration with nice picks.. post remaining portion early...
