Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Green-tinged View point -Bheemanavare

Bhimanvare though a less explored location was very beautiful with great view, a short distance and very easy approach from the village side. Though me & Rajesh Sir had started early when we reached the village it was already mid afternoon very hot and sizzling. Completing the first part of the ascend, which is about half a kilometer, the trekking path gets narrower and goes slightly down before it climbs up again.
Now the vegetation on the side’s changes to small small shrubbery land, including the variety grass & small plants, we made our way through loose boulders in the scorching heat though it drained us we moved slowly watching out for slippery rocks and pits. The narrow path goes further up and suddenly opens up into a panoramic view, with the mountain folds of the Western Ghats on left and a hill slope replete with thick evergreen forest on the right.

Meandering to the right path would leaden us to the spot, where we would find ourselves an immaculate sight in the hill is an awesome sight to watching a beautiful Valley standing on the top cool breeze was soaking & passing through us, as it dries out the sweat, looking around to spot some butterflies with rare color and size, gliding down the slopes.  We spotted some place from top glimpse a beautiful lazily meandering river passing through this green mosaic amidst valley & spent enough time on the hill top. Finally we started down roasted in the sun we reached the village and headed back home....

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