Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kodachadri Trip

Kodachagri is a wilderness of remote towering mountains, massive grasslands, sweeping valleys and a seemingly endless variety of flora and fauna. This year 27th November I had chosen to hike Kodachdri one more time because of its evergreen beauty & was the second time I got a responsibility to lead a big team to the peak. Though I was not in the mood to visit this place again as my friend requested I joined the team of Govindas collage (Surthkal) to visit for the 6th time to this place on Saturday early morning.
The first 1hour walk was very pleasant & next 5kms took almost 2 hours to reach IB for the whole team. However, hikes up into the forests are usually very rugged. After unloading our luggages in IB we rushed up to hike the last stretch. Last 30 minutes walk was wonderful one side steep evergreen valley & another side thick shrubbery leafy forest.
In the end, we managed to reach ShankarPeeta the top of the Kodachadri in time, with enough time to spare to catch glimpses of the beautiful sunset .Some of our teammates very much interested for more adventure as their request we turned to Chitramoola a natural open cave temple After 30 minutes walk all reached Chitramoola at the sun had already set, it was race against time. 
On our way back it was very dark but a tough attempt we returned back to IB. We spent the night in the foot hills trying to setup a small campfire. Later on had a nice dinner and went to bed praying to be able to get up in time for the sun rise.  Next morning luckily weather was clear so we had a beautiful Sunrise glistening at a distance on another side of the top of Kodachadri. On return we had bath at Agastyateerth which is situated inside lush dense forests.
This one was a simple hike up to an isolated meadow above all the trees, in the Western Ghats range. Hiking in the mountain presents challenges to even the hardiest backpackers, but those who persevere will be rewarded with a vast, pristine wilderness and incredible solitude.