Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monsoon Mania...

The gurgling streams innumerable waterfalls green green and only green in many shades it's like mother nature has had a fresh bath all the trees completely clean and green many small waterfalls which forms during monsoon and flows in full torrent these are few amazing things as to how nature transforms completely during monsoon,
and I always look forward for our treks in monsoon, this year too it started with a great beginning instead of waterfalls to start with it was completely different and we visited three beautiful dams on Sunday with our team guided by Rajesh Naik, after a lot of continuous planning changing finally we started our journey to Mani dam,
from morning it was just nonstop rain rain and more rain well monsoon is only about rain, as it is we were in great spirits and pouring rain was just and additional booster for our trek, Kamath sir(Ramesh Kamath) and his lively jokes made our journey even more pleasant,
roads were just in passable condition but the greenery around was a feast to the eyes after a few hours of journey and not a single soul to be seen around we were wondering if we were on the right track with wilderness all around it really didn't matter We reached the Dam with a comfortable journey & parked our Car near Dam & with raincoats protecting us we started to walk on one side of the dam.
First few minutes’ walk was very calm in rain but later suddenly the atmosphere was covered with a heavy blanket of mist & we just couldn’t see anything around but slowly it started clearing and there in front of us we had one of the most spectacular view possible there was only the cameras clicking and not a sound as the view was breath taking we just didn't want any sort of communication except to soak ourselves in nature it was like being one with nature......
After a few more hours of drive we reached Chakra dam. Chakra dam was built a long time ago as a power project but it is not running any more and you need a special permission to visit this damThis place is little far from Mani dam, but Kamath sir's driving was put to real test in the rain and he made a good job and we reached quiet fast this dam was very peaceful and serene power of nature making us calm is really true ......
Savehoklu streams into the Linganamakki reservoir & also one of the isolated & very most beautiful dam. We spent all our remaining target time in here, Taking lot of photos explored a few places in the surrounding ....
connecting with nature completely restoring back our snapped energy reservoir filling our lungs with fresh air and with renewed energy we returned to our places looking forward to many more energy recharging monsoon treks in the coming months....... Finally we did quite interesting unusual trip in this Monsoon. Really it’s worth & hope will do more trips in this season.