Thursday, March 4, 2010

Khetappayya (Ketpai) Narayan Temple

This place is 2 hours journey from my place.I reached Mood-Bhatkal around 11am, after a small walk I reached Khetappayya Narayan Temple. I get surprised when I was entering this small temple complex because of outer & inner structure was very fine. it was fully decorated with beautiful sculptures which shows with rich erotica .The temple is covered with more carving than can be examined in a single lifetime.The erotic sculptures have a lion's share in Khetappayya Narayan Temple built in 1546 A.D.The Khetappayya Narayan temple is encircled by huge corridors; inner walls are decorated with panels depicting the social life of the period. Each panel measures about 4 X 3 ' and are located in separate niches. Inter-niche spaces are decorated with floral designs. It is of importance and interest that all men and women are depicted in their contemporary dresses and ornaments.
The nobles are shown with Kulavi, an elongated cap, typical Vijayanagar period head wear. They have long sleeved shirts and fine dhotis which have a great resemblance to the saris worn by the women of the times.The common men have their turbans and a just a piece of coarse cloth around their waists. The women have very prominent hair ball tied just behind the head. A single piece of sari covers entire feminine body. The ornaments are very simple and down to the earth.
This temple is one of the most outstanding temples with its finest sculptures. The temple proper is a compact structure about 10 x 6metrs. With a gabled roof of granite slabs the whole structures is surrounded by stone lattice windows. The Garbhagriha with a Pradakshinapath has a fine sculpture of ‘Gopikavastraharana’. The main deity is Narayana. The Navaranga has four fine pillars of typical Vijayanagara style with Kumbhas at the top. The ceiling at the center has eight Dikpalas representing eight directions. In the four corners Kolata performers are carved. On the outer wall of the Adhisthana are nearly 20 scenes of Ramayana carved beautifully in high relief according to sequence.The successive panels are not inter-related. The panels on erotica are inter-mixed that depict social life. Each panel is like a framed photograph of sixteenth century "Every Day Life". Thus the sculptors have successfully recorded intimate personal lives of the people of that era for the benefit of posterity.
On the lower part of the Verandahs are found richly carved sculptures of not more than 1/3mtrs. in height depicting a number of lively secular objects like a Ratha being dragged, an elephant being tamed, two men engaged in dueling man engaged in a fight with a elephant, two elephants fighting etc., . Out side the temple is a monolithic Dwajastambha in on which are engraved on one side facing the deity a devote couple, perhaps Ketpai and his wife. Different panels could be very profitably studied in order to trace initiation to logical conclusion of erotic activities. It is generally believed in India that there is no need for teaching, coaching, or classroom for performing sexual activities. It comes naturally by observation and experimentation.This philosophy has been successfully depicted in these panels. Hinduism states that religion, earthly possessions, sex and salvation of the soul are all equally important aspects of life. Hindus believe that if sex is ignored, then human society will disappear.
This philosophy has been successfully depicted in these panels. Hinduism states that religion, earthly possessions, sex and salvation of the soul are all equally important aspects of life. Hindus believe that if sex is ignored, then human society will disappear.
After spending for while I heard some more small temples near by here. So II visit around 2temples & 3 old Basadi’s near by this. Most of the temples built are in hard granite stones and overlaid with copper plates or stone slabs. Each temple consists of "Garbha-Griha" (sanctum), and a "Sukhanasi" which is surrounded by stone blinds.Joshi Shankaranarayana Temple -
his is a plain small temple in two blocks, erected in 1554 A.D. The two blocks are joined together and each block has pyramidal form of roof. An elegant Dwajasthambha of 14 feet high stands in front of the temple. The temple on plan has a Garbhagriha, a verandah and detached Nandimandapa...
Beautiful Nandhi in one Shantappa Nayaka Tirumala Temple.
This black stone temple consisting of  a shrine and a mandapa was erected by one Santappa in 1555 A.D. The temple is having plain sloping roofs and specially arranged stone screens in the local architectural style of this area. The doors are well carved.

Lakar Kamati Narayana Temple-

It is a small temple in the fields assigned to 1550 A.D

Big Jattappanayakanna Chandranathesvara Basadi in the heart of the city...

This Jain temple is composed of two blocks of buildings, joined together by an intervening porch. Though the temple is said to be of Chalukyan period, it shows little affinity with their style of architecture. Each block has two story’s and each stores of western and eastern block contains three and two room respectively and are said to have been occupied by the images of Jines. The most notable features of this temple is its sloping roof and the special arrangement of stone screens. An elegant Dwajasthambha is situated in front of the temples.


  1. Dear Rakesh

    Please visit Seneshwar temple in Byndoor and post its photoes in your blog. It is built in chalukyan style

    Very good collection of articles

  2. can I reach this Ketpai Narayana temple from Murudeshwar

  3. Thanks for the information. Your presentation and effort is highly appreciated.
