Monday, January 11, 2010


Amedikallu is considered to be one of the toughest in Karnataka which is the height around 1400mt above the sea level & it is one of the biggest & significant peaks in Charmadi range.

I had seen this place a few years back and though had scaled this place every time nature has something new to give us, though I had seen this before I was initially hesitant and thinking twice on going but for my friend I agreed finally, 

Saturday morning I left early to join the team we reached Naravi and hired a jeep to reach Sishila village, one of our teammate had arranges lunch at his relative's house, so we had a good lunch and started from that place.

The initial was through a dense forest but the trial itself was pretty wide, we walked for almost one hour and every body were tired may be heavy lunch and afternoon sun brought in the fatigue.

Leaving the dense forest behind we entered grass land which continues till 3 stones (Dikkels).The monolithic peak is almost 90-degrees, one need to go around in a spiral to reach the peak and this part of the trek is through a very very dense vegetation and narrow trail which probably becomes waterfall during monsoon.

Hunting walk…

The sun was beating down on us mercilessly; because of high temperature our speed lessened, every step became a task, but our aim was to reach the peak before it got dark, we couldn’t watch Sunset at peak but we were able to see its beauty on the way. Finally when we reached the peak it was evening 7.30.
Spectacular view of Amedikallu range.

After resting for few minutes our job was to find water source nearby, a ten min walk on the other side we found a stream and decided to halt there for the night, a small camp fire had very light dinner and all of us retired for the night, the exhaustion the heat had its toll all were fast asleep .

Making Hot Tea 

The name Amedikallu is a combination of two words: Ame - Turtle and dikkel - Tulu word for Stove. Amedikallu has a huge monolith at the top which appears like a giant turtle and 3 huge stones which give an appearance of a stove.

We woke-up early morning &finished our morning activities. Our Team made refreshing Lemon-Tea, later we had Rice- Dal for morning breakfast. We didn’t get to see Sun-rise because of thick clouds on the mountain
We packed neatly & started to climb final rocky steep peak.The last 5 minutes was great adventure with little risky climbing, finally we could catch the clouds on ‘Amedikallu’ peak; we spent some time, enjoyed the surrounding scenery, and got sufficient photos. After a quick photo session we started to climb down.

On our way back it started raining, we really enjoyed the rains all our exhaustion and tiredness disappeared it was like a blessing from the heavens a good shower to make us fresh again, like the mountains were happy too with our visit and were giving us a good farewell to come back again.


  1. nice picture and writeup as always :)

    but 2800m - thats taller than anamudi! i guess amedikallu is less than 1300m

  2. i know that your sunday is alwasy beautyfull...... i really jealus....

    Any way your nature journey should continue without stop.....

  3. Dear friends,
    Thanks for all of yours comments...
    Sandeep Sir, Thanks for your advice..
    I already rectified & had made it correctly.

  4. Really nice........even we also visited there on 28 feb 2010.....
    actually we started @7.30am from holegandy (8 km from shishla)...and reached der @12.30pm.
    it was really superb sunday))))))
